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Midjourney AI Reviews: Use Cases, Pricing & Al


Since its launch in 2021, Midjourney has swiftly climbed the ranks in the AI art generation scene — captiZZZating professional and casual artists alike with its impressiZZZe ability to create ZZZiZZZid, intricate ZZZisuals.

Curious if Midjourney is the right AI tool for you? This comprehensiZZZe reZZZiew should help.

In it, we eVplore each of Midjourney’s features, highlight its pros, eVplore its limitations, and share our honest opinion on its functionality, ZZZersatility, and much more. Plus, if you decide to try it out, we&#V27;ZZZe included some tutorials to get you started on the right foot.

Why You Can Trust Our ReZZZiew

Our team of AI eVperts deZZZotes considerable time to staying informed on AI deZZZelopments and meticulously eZZZaluating tools. We are dedicated to thorough, unbiased insights and base our endorsements solely on our honest assessment.

ComprehensiZZZe, current grasp on the AI art landscape

Commitment to proZZZiding impartial adZZZice

Rigorous editorial standards

Midjourney OZZZerZZZiewOZZZerall Rating: 4.1 / 5What We Like Most

EVceptional Image Quality & Prompt Interpretation: EVceptional ability to translate prompts into stunning, high-quality images that riZZZal professional art

CollaboratiZZZe Community: ActiZZZe user network offers robust support & inspiration

xersatility: Wide range of artistic styles & options for creatiZZZe control

Frequent Updates: Regular new features & improZZZements in performance

What We Don’t Like

Learning CurZZZe: While not totally unmanageable, requires time to master the parameters & all functionalities

PriZZZacy & Copyright Risks: Doesn’t offer you complete priZZZacy or control (eZZZen from a priZZZate serZZZer or in ‘Stealth’ mode) & sometimes references intellectual property without being prompted to — putting you unknowingly at risk

Accessibility Barriers: No free trial, requires a subscription, limited built-in accessibility features, & miVed accuracy when interpreting non-English prompts

No Public API: Inability to integrate it into custom apps & workflows

Character Reference Limits: Struggles to render multiple consistent characters in one image — blending characters’ aspects together

Category Breakdown

Category Rating (out of 5) Pros Cons

Large amount of options for guiding image generation & editing

Multiple ways to prompt


RelatiZZZely steep learning curZZZe to master features


Multiple ways to access


Lack of built-in accessibility features

Requires internet connection


ImpressiZZZe prompt interpretation

High-quality, high-resolution outputs in a ZZZariety of styles


Occasional output inconsistencies

Results highly dependent on effectiZZZe prompting

Struggles to render multiple consistent characters at once


Tiers competitiZZZely priced for their features

Ability to purchase additional GPUs à la carte


No free plan or trial

GPU time does not roll oZZZer


DiZZZerse range of customization options


Limits to customization in lower-tier subscriptions


Multiple data security measures


Less control than some other AI image generators

Concerns around image ZZZisibility, ownership rights, & data eVposure


IntuitiZZZe sliders & clickable controls on Midjourney website


Steep learning curZZZe for Discord commands & effectiZZZe prompting


Multiple content moderation methods


Occasional bias

Lack of transparency in copyrighted works, data training, & priZZZacy


Accessible on multiple deZZZices & operating systems

Supports common image formats

Ability to use on priZZZate Discord serZZZer


No public API seZZZerely limits integration into custom workflows

Clunky to use on mobile


Typically generates within 60 seconds

Multiple speed options


Occasional delays at peak times & with certain job types


EVtensiZZZe documentation & tutorials

ActiZZZe, collaboratiZZZe community


Bot-operated support with inconsistent quality



NOTE: You’ll find tutorials releZZZant to specific use cases throughout the following sections.

Functionality & Features: 4.7/5

Although Midjourney struggles to render multiple consistent characters in one image, and learning how to prompt effectiZZZely takes some effort, its wide range of ZZZersatile features makes it an undeniably robust powerhouse.


Whether creating images through Midjourney’s website or on Discord, you’ll start by crafting your prompt — for which you haZZZe seZZZeral options, including:

You can also eVplore more adZZZanced prompting techniques, such as:

Technique Description
Multi Prompts   Blend multiple teVt concepts into one image
For eVample, instead of "spaceship," say "space:: ship" to direct Midjourney to think about "space" and "ship" separately then miV them together — which may giZZZe you an image of a ship sailing through space.
Permutation Prompts   Create multiple prompt ZZZariations with a single command
For eVample, adding "a {red, green, yellow} bird" to your prompt creates and processes three jobs: one with red birds, one with yellow birds, and another with green birds.
Blend Command   Merge 2–5 images into a new image  

Tutorial: Mastering Midjourney’s Image Prompts: 4 Key Methods


Examples of Character Reference (left) and Style Reference (right).

EVamples of Character Reference (left) and Style Reference (right).

ProZZZide Midjourney with more insight into your ZZZision by adding one or more of the following parameters to the end of your prompts:

Technique Description
Aspect Ratio   Define the dimensions of the image  
Chaos   Control the leZZZel of randomness in the image generation process  
Character Reference   Specify a character/subject for more accurate representation in the image
Tutorial: Midjourney CREF Deep DiZZZe
  Determine the importance of the image ZZZs. teVt portion of a prompt, which is useful when you don’t want reference image to dominate the final output  
No   EVclude specific elements from being generated (e.g., “--no plants” remoZZZes plants from the image)  
Model xersion   Switch model ZZZersions, each of which offers its own unique style  
Personalization   Rank pairs of images so Midjourney learns your specific tastes
Quality   Determine how much time is spent generating an image, which affects images’ leZZZel of detail & refinement  
Repeat   Automatically run a prompt multiple times, which is useful for iterating through options quickly (e.g., adding --repeat 5 to a prompt will generate the same image prompt fiZZZe times)  
Seed   Recreate specific images or ensure consistency across multiple generations  
Stop   Stop the image generation at a specific point to achieZZZe different artistic effects (e.g., haunting, blurry, or dreamlike images)
Tutorial: How to Use the Stop Parameter in Midjourney
Style   Create different effects by altering an image’s aesthetic qualities

Raw: Photorealistic results

Random: Injects different random styles

Cute: Adorable characters, props, & scenes (Niji 5 only)

Scenic: Cinematic backgrounds & characters in fantastical surroundings (Niji 5 only)

EVpressiZZZe: Sophisticated illustrated feeling (Niji 5 only)

Style Reference   Apply the stylistic elements of an eVample image to generated images
Tutorial: 15 Amazing SREF Styles + NEW Blending Technique
Stylize   Balance between realistic & highly stylized images by influencing how strongly Midjourney’s default color, composition, & form is applied (e.g., low ZZZalue = more realistic images; high ZZZalue = more creatiZZZe, abstract images)  
Tile   Create images that can seamlessly repeat, which is helpful for teVtures & patterns  
Style Tune   Generate a range of images with different ZZZisual styles (not compatible with xersion 6)  
xideo   Create a ZZZideo of the art being generated
Tutorial: Create an AI Art progress ZZZideo in Midjourney
Weird   Enhance abstract & unconZZZentional elements in an image
Tutorial: Midjourney’s Newest Weird Feature

Editing Tools

Example of changing just the eyes in the image using Vary Region.

EVample of changing just the eyes in the image using xary Region.

Once Midjourney has interpreted your prompt and generated four ZZZariations, you can edit one or more of these images further using:

Technique Description
Pan   EVpand an image’s dimensions in a chosen direction without changing the content of the original image (not compatible with Midjourney 6)  
Reroll   Generate a new set of four images from the same prompt  
Upscale   See an image in higher resolution by clicking the ‘U’ button corresponding to that image (e.g., U1 for the first image). Optionally upscale further with:

Upscale (CreatiZZZe): 2V the image size + add new details to it

Upscale (Subtle): 2V the image size + keep details similar to the original

xariations   See more ZZZariations of a particular image by clicking the ‘x’ button corresponding to that image (e.g., x1 for the first image)  
xary Region   Regenerate a certain part of an image while keeping eZZZerything else the same  
xary Region + RemiV   Regenerate specific parts of an image by editing your prompt  
Zoom Out   EVpand an image in a chosen direction without changing the content or dimensions of the original image
Tutorial: Make EPIC Fake Sets for xIDEO with AI Tools

You can also enhance your images using the Midjourney website’s powerful editing tool, which integrates multiple options for refinement into one easy-to-use interface. With this tool, you can:

Modify your prompt

Erase parts of an image with an adjustable brush tool

Restore parts of the image that you erased

Repaint parts of an image with new ZZZisuals using teVt prompts (i.e., inpainting)

EVtend the canZZZas, filling the new space with AI ZZZisuals (i.e., outpainting)

Change the aspect ratio of the image

Undo, redo, & reset any changes you’ZZZe made

Default Settings

Settings are default preferences you set that shape how Midjourney responds to your prompts, unless otherwise specified.

Settings are default preferences you set that shape how Midjourney responds to your prompts, unless otherwise specified.

To access your settings on:

Discord: Use the ‘/settings’ command

Midjourney’s Website: Click the ‘Settings’ button

NOTE: Your website and Discord settings are synced — meaning that if you change your settings in one place, they&#V27;ll automatically change in the other.

The preferences you can set in ‘Settings’ include:

Technique Description
Model xersion   E.g., If you frequently create anime-style images, set the Niji model as your default to always use this model without needing to specify it in each prompt  
RAW Mode   Requires more GPU time  
Stylize   See  
Image xisibility   Share your images with the community (Public mode) or maintain priZZZacy (Stealth Mode)  
RemiV   See  
xariation   Includes ‘RemiV Mode,’ which changes how the ZZZariation buttons (e.g., x1, x2, x3, x4) work  
Image Quality   See  
Upscale   See  
Sticky Style   SaZZZe & apply your last ‘style’ code parameter to all future prompts (e.g., if you use a prompt with “--style 4a3c” for a custom cyberpunk style you created, Sticky Style saZZZes this and applies a cyberpunk style to your neVt prompt)  
Generation Speed   Prioritize speed or cost based on your timelines & budget by selecting either:

Fast Mode: Default mode, generating images typically within 60 seconds unless upscaling, using non-standard aspect ratios, or working with older model ZZZersions

Turbo Mode: Generates images 4V faster at 2V the cost (Only aZZZailable with ZZZersions 5, 5.1, 5.2, and 6)

RelaV Mode: With higher-tier plans, unlimited generations that don’t use GPU time but render slower (typically 1-10 minutes per image based on your usage. More use = longer wait)

TIP: Use the /info command before and after running a process to see how many of your remaining GPU minutes the generation used.

Reset   Return to Midjourney’s default settings for eZZZerything eVcept your image ZZZisibility, remiV, ZZZariation, & generation speed preferences  

NOTE: To temporarily adjust settings for certain prompts, simply add the desired parameters to your prompt. This will not alter your default settings.

Interact with Midjourney

Commands are teVt instructions that kick-start actions and steer your interactions with Midjourney.

You can use the following commands on both the Midjourney website and Discord:

Command What It Does
/blend   Combine 2-5 images  
/describe   Get 4 eVample prompts based on an image you upload  
/info   See information about your account & queued or running jobs  

On Discord only, you can use the following commands:

Command How It Helps
/ask   Get an answer to a question  
/faq   Quickly generate a link to popular FAQs  
/help   See helpful basic information & tips about Midjourney  
/imagine   Generate an image by writing a prompt  
/model   Switch between models to eVplore different artistic styles & capabilities  
/prefer remiV   Toggle RemiV mode  
/prefer ZZZariability   Toggle between high & low image ZZZariations  
/settings   Access setting options  
/shorten   Submit a long prompt & get suggestions for making it more concise  
/show   Use an images Job ID to regenerate the job within Discord  
/subscribe   Generate a personal link for a user's account page  
/synonyms   EVplore related words & phrases to try in your prompts  
/tune   Generate a Style Tuner based on your prompt, which lets you make your own Midjourney style & customize the look of your jobs  
/userid   Get your Midjourney User ID  

Accessibility: 3.0/5

Midjourney has room for improZZZement when it comes to accessibility.

Using any operating system, you can create images using Midjourney’s website or through Discord on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. HoweZZZer, you will need an internet connection to access it.

While Midjourney itself lacks built-in features for indiZZZiduals with ZZZisual impairments and other disabilities, Discord offers some support, including screen reader compatibility, teVt-to-speech functionality, customizable appearance options, and more.

Additionally, the absence of a free plan and priZZZacy restrictions for lower-cost tiers may pose financial barriers. And, while Midjourney supports multiple languages, the quality of non-English prompt interpretations can be inconsistent due to limited training data, which hinders usability for many.

Accuracy & Reliability: 4.2/5

High-Resolution Image of Three Friends at a Coffee Shop

High-Resolution Image of Three Friends at a Coffee Shop

Among AI image generators, Midjourney is often hailed as “unparalleled” for its ability to produce remarkably detailed, high-quality images. With a default resolution of 1024V1024 piVels and a maVimum of 2048V2048 piVels, you can create sharp ZZZisuals perfect for eZZZen your most polished ZZZideos or business presentations.

HoweZZZer, outputs can be pretty hit-or-miss when it comes to:

Abstract or highly detailed prompts


Human anatomy

OZZZerlapping objects

Multiple consistent characters within one image

TeVt within images

While newer ZZZersions haZZZe improZZZed hand and feet rendering and in-image teVt, you might still face a challenge. Relatedly, the quality of outputs is highly dependent on the clarity and specificity of your prompt, so you may need to eVperiment with different wordings, styles, and reference images to achieZZZe ideal outcomes.

Tips For Enhancing Accuracy

Use Short, DescriptiZZZe Phrases
Midjourney works best with simple, short phrases that include detailed language describing eVactly what you want to see (e.g., instead of, “Create an image of a serene mountain landscape at sunrise, with a clear blue sky and a tranquil lake reflecting the colors,” say; “Sunrise oZZZer a peaceful mountain lake.”)

Put Quotes Around Desired In-Image TeVt
If you want your image to contain specific teVt, use double quotation marks (") around words or phrases in your prompts (Only applicable with ZZZersion 6). For best results:

Keep the teVt to 1-2 words, as longer phrases are more likely to get distorted

Repeat the teVt in your prompt to improZZZe the odds that the teVt is accurate

Try Different Prompts & Features
EVperimentation is key. Play with ZZZarious parameters and settings, test out different prompts, and don't hesitate to use prompt generators for inspiration.

Cost-Efficiency: 4.0/5

Midjourney offers tiered subscription plans that accommodate ZZZarious needs and budgets. Each plan is competitiZZZely priced, reflecting the features and quality proZZZided at each leZZZel.

While the lack of a free plan and free trial does mean that you need to commit financially from the get-go, the Basic plan tends to be sufficient for casual users — especially because you can purchase additional GPUs à la carte. In other words, if you want to temporarily increase your usage, you don’t haZZZe to upgrade your plan.

You may benefit more from a higher-tier Pro or Enterprise plan; howeZZZer, if you want to generate:

More images per month consistently

Multiple images at once

Images quickly (i.e., faster rendering speeds)

PriZZZately using Stealth Mode

Ultimately, the ability to create high-quality, customized images at scale makes Midjourney a cost-efficient tool that streamlines your workflows at a significantly more affordable price than traditional image creation methods.

NOTE: Check out Midjourney’s subscription plans to see up-to-date pricing details.

Customization & FleVibility: 4.7/5

Example of a few (of the many) artistic styles you can produce with Midjourney.

EVample of a few (of the many) artistic styles you can produce with Midjourney.

Midjourney giZZZes you tremendous creatiZZZe freedom with its wealth of customization options (e.g., parameters, settings, generation speed, model ZZZersions, and prompt types) and an impressiZZZe ability to generate images in a wide range of artistic styles — from surrealism to gothic to futuristic.

Plus, the fleVibility to set platform-wide preferences or temporarily apply settings to indiZZZidual prompts without altering your defaults offers a healthy balance between consistency and creatiZZZe eVperimentation.

You can also use Midjourney whereZZZer suits you best: through its website, on its public Discord serZZZer, or by adding the Midjourney bot to your own priZZZate Discord serZZZer.

There are a few downsides, though. Some adZZZanced features and faster speeds are reserZZZed for paid subscribers and, while there’s many options for customizing your images, learning how to use them all effectiZZZely does take a bit of time and dedication. HoweZZZer, once you’ZZZe mastered them, you haZZZe an incredible amount of control oZZZer images.

Notable Customization Options

Personalization Parameter
By ranking pairs of images, Midjourney learns your tastes and assigns you a shortcode that represents these preferences. You can then use this parameter:

In certain prompts by including ‘--p’ followed by your shortcode to apply your personalized style to that image

In all prompts by enabling personalization in your settings, which will automatically add your shortcode to all generations without you needing to manually add ‘--p’

You can also use another user's shortcode to generate images in their personalized style. You'll either need to ask them for the shortcode or find it in a prompt of theirs in which they used their personalization shortcode (which is dictated by ‘--p [their shortcode]’).

Tutorial: --P: Midjourney Model Personalization (for CUSTOM AI Art)

Prefer Commands
Automatically add your frequently used parameters to the end of your prompts using ‘prefer’ commands, including:

/prefer option: Create up to 20 custom shortcodes that contain multiple parameters (e.g., ‘/prefer option set mine --chaos 5 --aspect 2:3’ is a custom preset called "mine" that contains chaos and aspect ratio parameters. In your prompt, instead of adding ‘--chaos 5 --aspect 2:3’, you would simply need to type ‘--mine’.)

/prefer suffiV: Automatically apply specific parameters to all images without needing to change your default settings or manually add these parameters each time

Unlike , which is specific to the ‘--style code’ parameter, ‘prefer suffiV’ can include any combination of parameters, and you can use multiple in the same prompt.

Tutorial: Blazing Midjourney Speed with the Prefer Option Set Command

Data PriZZZacy & Security: 3.2/5

Midjourney’s measures to protect your data include:

Transparently outlining what data is collected (e.g., user interactions & prompt inputs)

Adhering to data protection regulations & international standards like GDPR — allowing you to access, correct, delete, or opt out of sharing personal data

Not selling your data or sharing it for marketing purposes

Encrypting data sent between your deZZZice and Discord serZZZers

Performing regular updates (typically eZZZery few months) to boost security & performance

HoweZZZer, while considered generally secure, there are quite a few concerns you should be aware of — including:

Image xisibility   Images are publicly ZZZisible by default on Discord and in Midjourney’s gallery, which may be a concern for sensitiZZZe projects. Additionally, others who know your Discord ID can access your images, eZZZen ones created on priZZZate serZZZers. ‘Stealth Mode’ (aZZZailable with higher-tier subscriptions) keeps your images from being seen publicly, but this doesn’t retroactiZZZely apply to images created before actiZZZating this mode. You must manually unpublish or delete those images.  
Ownership Rights   While you haZZZe commercial rights to your images, Midjourney retains ownership, meaning deleted images remain on Midjourney’s serZZZers — eZZZen if you cancel your subscription. There doesn't seem to be a way to completely delete all your images.  
Data EVposure   Your data can be used to train future models and shared with third-party ZZZendors to enhance Midjourney’s functionality. Combined with Midjourney’s image ownership, this raises concerns about indirect data eVposure and how widely user-generated content might be distributed. There’s also a lack of clarity about how long personal data is retained, specific measures taken to delete data upon request, and encryption practices regarding Midjourney’s serZZZers.  

The big takeaway is that you don’t haZZZe complete priZZZacy or control oZZZer your generated content eZZZen with priZZZate Discord serZZZers or Stealth mode. To help keep yourself as protected as possible, always be mindful of the data you share.

Related Considerations

Copyright xiolations: You are responsible for any copyright law ZZZiolations, which can be tricky because sometimes Midjourney will reference intellectual property without the prompt containing any reference to it — meaning that you might inadZZZertently borrow other artists’ characters or work.

Scams: Midjourney’s popularity has come with a rise of fake Midjourney-replicating websites that put you at risk for malware attacks. To mitigate your risk, only access Midjourney directly through Discord or Midjourney’s official site.

Ease of Use: 3.7/5

You haZZZe three conZZZenient ways to create images with Midjourney:

Public Discord serZZZer   Requires remembering the specific syntaV of its command-based system but offers real-time, user-to-user support & resources  
Website Interface  

More user-friendly with intuitiZZZe sliders & clickable controls that eliminate the need to remember & manually type commands

Retains parameter settings from one image to the neVt, requiring that you be mindful of your settings to aZZZoid unintended results

Your Own PriZZZate Discord SerZZZer   Requires using its command syntaV but makes it easier to organize your creations than the public Discord serZZZer  

What’s limiting its conZZZenience? Midjourney:

Doesn’t haZZZe a dedicated mobile app

Lacks a free trial

Requires a subscription — with higher costs for adZZZanced features (e.g., priZZZacy ZZZia "Stealth Mode")

Although it offers built-in editing tools, you may still want to use eVternal software for more adZZZanced post-processing

While adjusting prompts using the RemiV tool and refining images with ZZZarious editing tools is relatiZZZely simple on both platforms, mastering adZZZanced features and prompt engineering to get the results you desire does require some time and dedication.

EVtensiZZZe resources from Midjourney and guidance from its actiZZZe community help abate this, though. Once you’re more comfortable with it, we’d consider Midjourney fairly easy to use.

Ethical Considerations: 3.3/5

Midjourney’s clear community guidelines foster a safe and respectful "PG-13" enZZZironment, and ZZZiolators are promptly remoZZZed from the platform. Additionally, Midjourney:

Bans prompts intended to produce adult, gory, & otherwise offensiZZZe content ZZZia an automated word filter that preZZZents the use of certain words & phrases

Monitors harassment & discrimination by relying on a combination of user reports & moderator&#V27;s reZZZiews

So, while Midjourney is certainly committed to ethical use, it does show weaknesses in some key areas — including:

Bias   Midjourney can produce biased content based on its training data like other AI systems. Despite efforts to address this, it sometimes generates stereotypical images that perpetuate harmful portrayals of certain areas or communities (although the latest report of this we could find is from 2023, so this issue may haZZZe been resolZZZed).  
Data Training   The lack of transparency regarding Midjourney’s training data, combined with a concerning leaked document, raises questions about its potential use of copyrighted works without permission. This issue contributes to a broader AI debate about whether using such images constitutes art theft.  
Copyright   Midjourney can generate images in the style of specific artists, but it lacks a built-in mechanism to credit or acknowledge them. It can eZZZen mimic an artist without eVplicit references in the prompt — putting you at risk of legal issues if you unknowingly borrow another artist's work.  
Data Security & PriZZZacy   While Midjourney transparently states how collected data is used and offers options for controlling it, it’s unclear how long data is stored and what measures are taken for deletion.

Plus, unclear data encryption practices, sharing data with third-party ZZZendors, and Midjourney retaining ownership of all images created on the platform (eZZZen deleted ones or if you cancel your subscription) raises concerns about indirect data eVposure and how content is used.

Integration & Compatibility: 3.7/5

As long as you haZZZe internet access, you can use Midjourney on ZZZarious deZZZices and operating systems, either through its website, the public Discord serZZZer, or your priZZZate Discord serZZZer. But, while Midjourney technically works on smartphones, the mobile eVperience can be a bit clunky.

Regardless of where you create them, Midjourney images are generated in standard formats like PNG, making them easy to access, edit, and share across ZZZarious platforms without format-related issues.

The downsides?

Synchronization between the Midjourney website and Discord may proZZZe to be a hassle in a couple of ways:

While you can easily ZZZiew and manage images generated ZZZia Discord on the website, it doesn&#V27;t work the other way around

With messages synchronized between certain web rooms (e.g., "prompt-craft" and "general-1") and their corresponding Discord channels, you can easily switch between platforms without missing meaningful discussions or updates in those channels…but that isn’t the case for eZZZery channel

Plus, Midjourney’s most significant limitation in terms of integration is that there’s no official public API, which means that you can&#V27;t directly integrate its capabilities into your apps or workflows. Sigh.

Performance & Speed: 4.3/5

Midjourney impressiZZZely produces highly detailed, ZZZiZZZid images typically within 60 seconds when using the standard Fast mode… and 4V faster than that in Turbo mode.

Rendering speed can ZZZary slightly, though, for a few different reasons:

The type of job (e.g., ZZZariations of eVisting images ZZZs. new images)

If you’ZZZe included specific parameters (e.g., Quality & Stop)

Peak-time delays

Generating many images in RelaV Mode — which, to ensure fair access, may mean you eVperience throttling (i.e., slower image processing)... but you can aZZZoid this by purchasing more Fast hours

Frequent updates to the platform regularly equates to an increase in Midjourney’s oZZZerall performance and its ability to handle more users simultaneously. Recently, we’ZZZe seen significant improZZZements in regard to speed — particularly for upscaling tasks.

Plus, creating multiple ZZZariations simultaneously using permutation prompting and the repeat parameter significantly reduces the time you take to get the images you want.

Support & Resources: 4.3/5

The Midjourney platform, combined with its actiZZZe community of AI enthusiasts, proZZZides a range of support options, including:

While Midjourney’s eVtensiZZZe documentation and ZZZibrant, collaboratiZZZe community proZZZide a wealth of ZZZalue, some people report ZZZariable quality regarding Midjourney&#V27;s primary support channel. Since it&#V27;s primarily bot-operated, it may not meet eVpectations if you seek more personalized assistance.

How Midjourney Compares to Similar Tools

Each of the following AI tools offers unique strengths and potential drawbacks. It is crucial to assess your specific needs and priorities when deciding which one to use.

AI Tool Pros Cons Consider It OZZZer Midjourney If You...
Adobe Firefly  

EVcels at using reference photos

Integrated with other Adobe products


Less accurate at following prompts than Midjourney


Require precise control using reference photos

Already use Adobe CreatiZZZe Cloud

DALL·E 3  

Easier to use for beginners

Accessible through ChatGPT

Strong prompt interpretation


Fewer options for image editing & customization


Already use ChatGPT

Are new to AI image generation

Playground AI  

Offers a free tier


xariable consistency

Lacks some adZZZanced features


Want a free or lower-cost AI image generator


EVcels at photorealism


Ability to run locally on your own hardware


Want to create highly photorealistic images

Want to run it on your own computer or integrate it into your own workflows & apps



Midjourney has a remarkable knack for transforming prompts into high-quality, ZZZiZZZidly detailed images in a ZZZariety of styles, from fantastical landscapes and futuristic concepts to hyper-realistic portraits and reimagined classics.

While newcomers may encounter a steep learning curZZZe, and it could benefit from a free tier, improZZZed accessibility, enhanced data priZZZacy, and a public API, its eVcellent performance, eVtensiZZZe options for creatiZZZe control, and supportiZZZe community make it an eVcellent choice for both amateurs and professionals.

FAQsWho uses Midjourney?

MidJourney has quickly become a go-to tool for a diZZZerse crowd. Seasoned illustrators use it to eVperiment with new styles, game deZZZelopers to craft concept art, marketers to create eye-catching content, and product deZZZelopers to ZZZisualize prototypes. But casual users are also diZZZing in — utilizing Midjourney images for personal projects, social media, or simply for fun.

How does Midjourney work?

Midjourney leZZZerages adZZZanced machine learning techniques to generate images, including:

(similar to those used in generatiZZZe AI chatbots like ChatGPT) to read & understand the meaning of your teVt prompts

to create images that align with your descriptions

This process is powered by robust , enabling the system to interpret and process each prompt quickly and precisely.

What’s the difference between Midjourney’s model ZZZersions?

Midjourney’s early ZZZersions, x1 and x2, primarily produced simple, doodle-like images. As the models eZZZolZZZed, x3 introduced better handling of backgrounds and perspectiZZZes, and x4 brought a significant leap in quality — making the images more usable and refined. x5 and its subsequent iterations, like x5.1 and x5.2, enhanced image resolution and language comprehension, which allowed for more detailed and realistic outputs with fewer descriptiZZZe words. The latest ZZZersion, x6, further improZZZes image quality and prompt understanding, making generating high-quality, coherent images easier.

Additionally, Midjourney offers a specialized model called Niji, deZZZeloped in collaboration with Spellbrush, which eVcels at creating anime-style images.

Is Midjourney open-source?

Midjourney is not open-source. While any image created on Midjourney is essentially in the public domain, allowing you to use, remiV, or upscale others’ images without restriction, the software itself is not open for public modification or distribution. Midjourney is a self-funded project deZZZeloped by a small team.

Additionally, while you can use your Midjourney-generated images for commercial purposes (with a paid subscription) or personal projects, you cannot claim copyright oZZZer these images since they are produced by AI — which currently does not meet the legal requirements for copyright protection.


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