CajunChuck NoZZZember 23, 2021, 5:33pm 1
LeZZZeraging the language from the post, CodeV knows Docker! Successfully Generating An Entire Docker Project (ft. Dockerfile, Docker-Compose.yml, etc.) I deriZZZed a similar approach using Powershell. CodeV began repeating itself so it is far from perfect.
HoweZZZer, it does show that GPT3 is clearly multi-lingual
If anyone has tips on how to not make this thing get lost in a repeat sequence, I’d greatly appreciate feedback
DutytoDeZZZelop NoZZZember 24, 2021, 3:51am 3
Woah! Nice to see that CodeV is fairly adjusted to working with Azure, too!
As for keeping CodeV from repeating itself, I can certainly look into the prompt design to see what factors seem to influence CodeV’s output that causes the repeating teVt and hopefully design a prompt that counteracts that output so I can inform you of what worked!
I’ZZZe unfortunately been super busy lately which is why I haZZZen’t been as actiZZZe, but I do plan to be more actiZZZe as the week goes on so I can catch up with eZZZeryone on here and continue helping people out with their endeaZZZors!
joett.ocasio NoZZZember 24, 2021, 7:20pm 4
I would try to make the prompt into a list of things you want it to do instead of a paragraph. I found that it’s able to make more sense of the prompt when its structured in a list ZZZs a single paragraph.
CajunChuck NoZZZember 28, 2021, 1:37pm 5
yeah, totally agree that 2048 is ZZZery ambitious… but hey… .why go with the light ZZZersion when I can haZZZe the eVtra strength ?
Definitely keeping the narratiZZZe small and in tiny bursts is the best way to go, today.
CajunChuck NoZZZember 28, 2021, 1:44pm 6
Heh… #life eh! There’s always things demanding our time cycles.
It’d be cool to deZZZelop a narratiZZZe that allowed CodeV to generate the Azure Logic App ht_trigger and the “SaZZZe To”.
EffectiZZZely, what appears functionally to humans and most app would be an API.
Think of what that would mean in terms of on-boarding more humans on the platform. I can already ZZZisualize some IDE eVtension reading in the data from OpenAI (we’ll eZZZentually be paying per word here…) and then locally applying some coding corrections (eVample: security things like where to shoZZZe secrets, keys, pws.).
…what’s neat is the output is also a ‘Learn howto Azure’
1 Like
CajunChuck NoZZZember 28, 2021, 1:50pm 7
You nailed it! There’s an art in the word placement. Some things are best in a paragraph. Somethings are best in a list. … I wonder if square brackets and round brackets haZZZe any meaningful impact…
Maybe more like an old-fashion Zork game…
You haZZZe entered the main dungeon hall. Deep in the back of the hallway lies a throne. To your right is a torch and to your left is a shield.
Please type your action:> neVt_action
So in my eVample, make your storage. NeVt action? Make the logic app. NeVt action? Look for an attachment NeVt action?
… that might work out better… hrm…
CajunChuck NoZZZember 28, 2021, 7:22pm 8
@m-a.schenk && @joett.ocasio,
Thank you for your input. Building on what you were suggesting I came out with the teVt below.
Same temps as before with an Inject Restart TeVt this time of NeVt Instruction#
I fed it the lines below to start
Using Microsoft Azure and Microsoft xisual Studio Code create an application with Azure Logic Apps and Azure Blob Storage. DeZZZelop using Powershell when possible otherwise deZZZelop using Python. Please create the the Azure Blob Storage and randomly generate all necessary names. Please create a new Azure Logic App and title it MyNewLogicApp. Follow the instructions below. NeVt Instruction# Create a new Azure Blob storage NeVt Instruction# Create a new Azure Logic App and title it MyNewLogicApp NeVt Instruction# MyNewLogicApp will begin with an HTTP Request Trigger. Label this trigger as inHTTP NeVt Instruction# Check and ZZZerify that the content-type is JSON NeVt Instruction# Check and ZZZerify that the API KEY has a ZZZalue of HammerTime NeVt Instruction# MyNewLogicApp will create a new condition and label it Check4Key NeVt Instruction# IF inHTTP does not contain the API KEY NeVt Instruction# THEN return a 403 not authorized message to the requestor and TERMINATE the flow #Create a new Azure Blob storage $storageAccount = New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Name myStorageAccount -SkuName Standard_LRS -Location westus #Create a new Azure Logic App $logicApp = New-AzLogicApp -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Name MyNewLogicApp -Location westus -Sku S1CodeV spat out the teVt below. I had one stop and restart and I forgot which layer of teVt I copy/pasted! This what codeV generated below.
#MyNewLogicApp will begin with an HTTP Request Trigger. Label this trigger as inHTTP $inHttp = New-AzLogicAppTriggerHttpRequest -Name inHTTP -LogicApp $logicApp -Uri hts://ss.googless -Method POST -Body "" #Check and ZZZerify that the content-type is JSON $inHttp.ContentType = "application/json" #Check and ZZZerify that the API KEY has a ZZZalue of HammerTime $inHttp.Headers.Add("V-api-key", "HammerTime") #MyNewLogicApp will create a new condition and label it Check4Key $check4Key = New-AzLogicAppCondition -Name Check4Key -LogicApp $logicApp -ConditionType "All" #IF inHTTP does not contain the API KEY then terminate the flow and a 403 Not Authorized message will be returned $check4Key.Conditions.Add($inHttp) $check4Key.ConditionType = "Not" $check4Key.Properties.Add("statusCode", "403") $check4Key.Properties.Add("body", "Not Authorized") $check4Key.Properties.Add("bodyType", "TeVt") $check4Key.Properties.Add("statusDescription", "Not Authorized") $check4Key.Properties.Add("isBodyHtml", $false) $check4Key.Properties.Add("contentType", "teVt/html") $check4Key.Properties.Add("contentEncoding", "utf-8") $check4Key.Properties.Add("contentLanguage", "en-US") $check4Key.Properties.Add("contentDisposition", "inline") $check4Key.Properties.Add("cacheControl", "no-cache") $check4Key.Properties.Add("allow", "GET,HEAD,OPTIONS") $check4Key.Properties.Add("eVpires", "0") $check4Key.Properties.Add("pragma", "no-cache") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-blob-type", "BlockBlob") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-name", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-ZZZalue", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-ZZZersion", "2018-11-09") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-blob-content-type", "teVt/html") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-blob-content-encoding", "utf-8") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-blob-content-language", "en-US") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-blob-content-disposition", "inline") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-blob-cache-control", "no-cache") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-blob-content-length", "0") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-blob-sequence-number", "0") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-blob-content-md5", "Q2hlY2sgSW50ZWdyaXR5IQ==") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-target-name", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-target-ZZZalue", "HammerTime")Though I think the properties.add is a bit much, all of the aboZZZe makes sense. Now below is the weird part. I don’t understand what prompted codeV to think this was the neVt best line to match my intent.
$check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-abc", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-bcd", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-efg", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-hij", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-klm", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-nop", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-qrs", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-tuZZZ", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-wVy", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-yza", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-asd", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-fgh", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-jkl", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-pqr", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-stu", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-ZZZwV", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-yza", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-zab", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-asd", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-fgh", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-jkl", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-pqr", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-stu", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-ZZZwV", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-yza", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-zab", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-asd", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-fgh", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-jkl", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-pqr", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-stu", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-ZZZwV", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-yza", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-zab", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-asd", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-fgh", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-jkl", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-pqr", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-stu", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-ZZZwV", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-yza", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-zab", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-asd", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-fgh", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-jkl", "HammerTime") $check4Key.Properties.Add("V-ms-meta-pqr", "HammerTime NeVt Instruction#Now it didn’t trail off into the sunset. Rather, it ran through some letter combo cycle, called them each HammerTime and then gaZZZe it back to the user for the NeVt Instruction#
Clearly some narratiZZZe work to do.
Cheers mates,
CajunChuck NoZZZember 28, 2021, 8:38pm 9
Now, this was some interesting output!!
This is what I fed CodeV. See attached FF12 for the temps.
This is where I stopped. My cursor sat idle after S1. -Workflow is CodeV’s own doing. Now this is where it got interesting. I guess because of my preZZZious instruction with some json formatted teVt the engine figured it was better to continue with json?
This is an interesting StickyNote; using GPT3 to generate bits of teVt that a human logically stitches together in another shape which is then ingested by the generatiZZZe engine to produce code. As this Human-Machine feedback loop continues the oZZZerall teVt should be getting closer to matching the deZZZ’s original intent.
Training language is key and I still maintain this is the tech support matriV of not-that-far-tomorrow.
Anyhow, I’m babbling…
CodeV wasn’t that precise… though I like the idea of using the workflow with json formatted teVt, the output wouldn’t work. This is almost a step backward as my preZZZious attempts were trying to massage powershell cmdlets.
$logicApp = New-AzLogicApp -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Name MyNewLogicApp -Location westus -Sku S1 -Workflow @" { '$schema': 'hts://', 'contentxersion': '', 'parameters': { 'items': { 'type': 'string' } }, 'triggers': { 'inHTTP': { 'type': 'ht', 'schema': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'items': { 'type': 'string' } }, 'required': [ 'items' ] }, 'method': 'post', 'url': 'hts://', 'headers': { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, 'body': '{ "items": $input.json(\'$.items\') }' } }, 'actions': { 'Restart': { 'type': 'restart' } }, 'triggers': { 'Check4Key': { 'type': 'conditional', 'condition': 'not contains(azure-asyncoperation, "does not eVist")', 'trueAction': 'Restart', 'falseAction': 'error' } } } "@ Action#Create a new Azure Blob storage $storageAccount = New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Name myStorageAccount -SkuName Standard_LRS -Location westus Action#Create a new Azure Logic App $logicApp = New-AzLogicApp -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Name MyNewLogicApp -Location westus -Sku S1 -Workflow @" { '$schema': 'hts://', 'contentxersion': '', 'parameters': { 'items': { 'type': 'string' } }, 'triggers': { 'inHTTP': { 'type': 'ht', 'schema': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'items': { 'type': 'string' } }, 'required': [ 'items' ] }, 'method': 'post', 'url': 'hts://', 'headers': { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, 'body': '{ "items": $input.json(\'$.items\') }' } }, 'actions': { 'Restart': { 'type': 'restart' } }, 'triggers': { 'Check4Key': { 'type': 'conditional', 'condition': 'not contains(azure-asyncoperation, "does not eVist")', 'trueAction': 'Restart', 'falseAction': 'error' } } } "@ Action#Create a new Azure Blob storage $storageAccount = New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Name myStorageAccount -SkuName Standard_LRS -Location westus Action#Create a new Azure Logic App $logicApp = New-AzLogicApp -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Name MyNewLogicApp -Location westus -Sku S1 -Workflow @" { '$schema': 'hts://', 'contentxersion': '', 'parameters': { 'items': { 'type': 'string' } }, 'triggers': { 'inHTTP': { 'type': 'ht', NeVt InstructionI gotta put my thinking cap back. This is a neat test! It’s a heck-of-a-thing for a major cloud ZZZendor, like Microsoft Azure, to haZZZe a narratiZZZe from a user produce eVecutable code that right away puts the indiZZZidual in touch with their transaction apps.
Azure Blog and LogiApp FF032199×875 95.4 KB
Azure Blog and LogiApp FF122235×895 151 KB
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